Swift Generics Concepts

Unlock the power of Swift generics to create more versatile and reusable code. With the help of our in-depth guide, you’ll learn how to use generics to write cleaner and more efficient iOS applications. Moreover, we’ll share best practices to ensure you’re leveraging these powerful features effectively.

Swift generics are a powerful tool that enables you to write flexible and reusable code. To begin, let’s start with the basics and explore this concept through an example.

What are Generics?

Generics allow you to write functions or types that can work with any data type. Instead of repeatedly writing similar code for different data types, you can write it once and use it across multiple types. This not only saves time but also makes your code more maintainable.

Imagine you have a function that swaps the values of two integers. Typically, you might write it like this:

func swapInts(_ a: inout Int, _ b: inout Int) {
    let temporaryA = a
    a = b
    b = temporaryA

However, what if you also need to swap two strings or two doubles? You would need to write separate functions for each case. Instead, by using generics, you can create one function that works with any type:

func swapValues<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T) {
    let temporaryA = a
    a = b
    b = temporaryA

Understanding <T> and inout

The ‘<T>‘ in a function declaration introduces a type placeholder, known as a “generic type parameter.” In the context of generics, T stands for “Type” and can represent any type. This allows the function to be written without specifying a specific datatype, thereby making the function flexible and reusable for multiple data types.

Understanding value and reference types is key. ‘Inout’ keyword in Swift lets you change the values of function parameters directly inside the function. This means that any changes made to those parameters will still be there after the function finishes. This is especially useful when you want the function to update the original variables, rather than just working with copies of them.

Let’s try to create a Generic Stack by using Swift Generics

Here’s how you can create a generic Stack in Swift using the <T> placeholder to allow the Stack to store elements of any type:

struct Stack<T> {
    private var elements: [T] = []
    // Method to push an element onto the stack
    mutating func push(_ element: T) {
    // Method to pop an element from the stack
    mutating func pop() -> T? {
        return elements.popLast()
    // Method to peek at the top element without removing it
    func peek() -> T? {
        return elements.last
    // Method to check if the stack is empty
    func isEmpty() -> Bool {
        return elements.isEmpty
    // Method to return the number of elements in the stack
    func size() -> Int {
        return elements.count

Let’s Dive into more advanced Swift Generic concepts

  1. associated types, 
  2. type constraints, 
  3. generic extensions, 
  4. conditional conformance protocols. 

Associated types are a powerful feature in Swift protocols, allowing you to define a placeholder type that the protocol doesn’t specify upfront. Instead, the conforming type decides what that type should be. Let’s explore how to create a generic Stack using associated types.

Let’s create a generic Swift Stack using associated types.

Step 1: Define the Protocol with an Associated Type

First, we define a protocol that represents a generic container. This protocol will have an associated type, which will represent the type of elements that the container can hold.

Here, Item is the associated type. This Container protocol defines the basic operations that any stack-like structure should support: pushing an item, popping an item, peeking at the top item, checking the count, and determining if the container is empty.

protocol Container {
    associatedtype Item
    mutating func push(_ item: Item)
    mutating func pop() -> Item?
    func peek() -> Item?
    var count: Int { get }
    func isEmpty() -> Bool

Step 2: Implement the Stack Struct Conforming to the Protocol

Now, we implement a generic Stack struct that conforms to the Container protocol. This struct will specify what Item is — in this case, the generic type T.

struct Stack<T>: Container {

    typealias Item = T

    private var elements: [T] = []
    func peek() -> T? {
        return elements.last

    mutating func push(_ item: T) {
    mutating func pop() -> T? {
        return elements.popLast()
    var count: Int {
        return elements.count
    func isEmpty() -> Bool {
        return elements.isEmpty

Step 3: Using the Generic Stack

Now that we have a Stack that can hold any type, let’s see how we can use it:

var intStack = Stack<Int>()
print(intStack.pop())  // Output: Optional(2)
print(intStack.peek()) // Output: Optional(1)
print(intStack.count)  // Output: 1

var stringStack = Stack<String>()
print(stringStack.pop())  // Output: Optional("World")
print(stringStack.isEmpty()) // Output: false


typealias Item = T: This line uses typealias to define the Item type in the Container protocol as T, the generic type of the Stack. This means that wherever Item is used in the Container protocol, it refers to the type T used when creating an instance of the Stack.

mutating func push(_ item: T): This method allows adding an element to the stack. The mutating keyword is required because the method modifies the struct (by adding an element to the array).

mutating func pop() -> T?: This method removes and returns the last element from the stack. It returns an optional since the stack might be empty.

func peek() -> T?: This method returns the top element of the stack without removing it. Again, it returns an optional in case the stack is empty.

var count: Int: This computed property returns the number of elements in the stack.

func isEmpty() -> Bool: This method checks if the stack is empty.

Type constraints allow you to specify that a generic type must inherit from a specific class or conform to a particular protocol. This ensures that the generic type will have the properties and methods you need.


Type constraints let you set rules for a generic type in Swift. Specifically, you can require that the type must come from a certain class or follow a particular protocol. This makes sure that the type you use will have the right properties and methods needed for your code to work correctly.

Let’s try to understand by code example

func findIndex<T: Equatable>(of valueToFind: T, in array: [T]) -> Int? {
    for (index, value) in array.enumerated() {
        if value == valueToFind {
            return index
    return nil

In this example

func findIndex<T: Equatable>(of valueToFind: T, in array: [T]) -> Int? {

// This is called Type Constraints <T: Equatable>, Equatable is Type Constraints here

Function findIndex has a rule that says the type T must follow the Equatable protocol. This rule makes sure that you can compare items in the array to find where a specific value is located.

Why Use Type Constraints?

Type constraints make your generic functions more reliable and easier to predict by ensuring they only work with types that meet certain conditions. This helps prevent errors during runtime and makes your code simpler to understand and maintain.

Generic extensions allow you to add new functionality to existing types without modifying their original implementation. When used with generics, extensions can be tailored to specific types or conditions.

Example and Explanation:

extension Array where Element: Equatable {
    func allEqual() -> Bool {
        guard let first = self.first else { return true }
        return !self.contains { $0 != first }

let intArray = [1, 1, 1, 1]
print(intArray.allEqual())  // Output: true

let stringArray = ["a", "b", "a"]
print(stringArray.allEqual())  // Output: false

In this example, the Array type is extended with a method called allEqual, but only when the elements conform to the Equatable protocol. This method checks if all elements in the array are the same.

Why Use Generic Extensions?

Generic extensions allow you to add specialized functionality to types in a way that keeps your code clean and organized. They are especially useful for adding methods to standard library types like Array, Dictionary, or Set.

Conditional conformance allows a generic type to conform to a protocol only when certain conditions are met. This is particularly useful when working with complex types or when you want to limit the scope of a protocol conformance.

extension Array: Equatable where Element: Equatable {
    static func == (lhs: Array<Element>, rhs: Array<Element>) -> Bool {
        return lhs.elementsEqual(rhs)

let array1 = [1, 2, 3]
let array2 = [1, 2, 3]
let array3 = [1, 2, 4]

print(array1 == array2)  // Output: true
print(array1 == array3)  // Output: false

Here, Array is made to conform to the Equatable protocol, but only when its elements are also Equatable. This allows you to compare arrays for equality only when their elements can be compared.

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